
***sTrEeT tEaM***
***gUeSt BoOk***

"Total-Radness, Nothing Else"

Hey y'all. Wow-ee what do ya know we have this thing posted (finally) talk about procrastination!!! Well I hope now that its up you will all represent!!!! Its only in time that apOstrOphe*S goes on to bigger and better things, but not without help of the people....well hopefully this is the first but not the last time you read these entries....till next time apOstrOphe*S represent!!!
lOts oF lUst....**rAmOs**

OmiGosH...!! it haS haPpened!! >>apOstrOphe*S<< finaLLy haS a siTe..!! [toOk loNg enuFF*]....leT's thiNK...wHat dO i haVe a say...tO aLL the peOpLe rePresentinG...keeP that $hit uP!!! we NEED yOu!! tHankX for aLL yOu've dOne fOr 'S...!!
cOn muchO amOr, LOpeZ :D

"sOmE pEoPle aRe aLivE bEcAusE it'S iLLegAl tO kiLL"